Public API Access


The website now provides public access to the drug shortage and discontinuation report database through an Application Programming Interface (API). The API allows developers to access that information through a standard REST web API by returning JSON content for use in their own applications. Provided below are the endpoints available.

Access settings

Base URL
Content-type application/json
Parameter encoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization header auth-token




Response formats

All requests return JSON text in one of the following formats:

Error response

An invalid request will include an error object containing English and French explanations. Example:

{"error" : {"en" : "", "fr" : ""}}

List response

A list response, like the search query, will return paginated data in the following object:

Object response

Requests returning a single object will provide a standard JSON object.

Rate limiting

For availability reasons, each account is rate limited to a maximum of 1000 requests per hour. Any requests above that rate will return a 429 response code. If you wish to have a higher rate, please use the contact form to indicate your usage requirements.


Authentication requires a valid web account, which in turn requires a verified email. Each subsequent request will require using an authorization header


Path login
Authorization header none
Method POST
  • email
  • password
Response codes
  • 200 = Request OK
  • 400 = Bad request; check email/password
  • 403 = Account not verified
Response data

If the request is invalid, an error object is returned.

A valid request will return an object containing these keys:

  • user = the logged in user data

A valid user token will be returned in the auth-token header, with relevant expiry date info in the expiry-date key.

The login request provides an access token needed by other endpoints. It accepts the email/password combination used on the website.

Report search

Path search
Authorization header auth-token : {user access token}
Method GET
  • orderby = specify the column to sort the results by
    • id = report ID
    • company_name = the company associated with the report
    • brand_name = the drug associated with the report
    • status = the current status of the report
    • type = the type of report (shortage or discontinuation)
    • updated_date = the date of the last change to the report
  • order = asc for ascending; desc for descending
  • filter_status = only return reports of the given status
    • resolved
    • anticipated_shortage
    • active_confirmed
    • avoided_shortage
    • discontinued
  • term = main text search value
  • din
  • report_id
Response codes
  • 200 = Request OK
  • 400 = Bad request; invalid parameters
  • 403 = Invalid user token
Response data

If the request is invalid, an error object is returned.

A valid request will return a list object in the format noted above.

This main search query will return shortage and discontinuation reports according to the provided parameters.

Single shortage report

Path shortages/{shortage report ID}
Authorization header auth-token : {user access token}
Method GET
Parameters none
Response codes
  • 200 = Request OK
  • 403 = Invalid user token
  • 400 = The report is unavailable
  • 404 = The report is not found
Response data

If the request is invalid, an error object is returned.

A valid request will return a single detailed report object.

This request will provide a more detailed snapshot of the report object from the list.

Single discontinuation report

Path discontinuances/{discontinuation report ID}
Authorization header auth-token : {user access token}
Method GET
Parameters none
Response codes
  • 200 = Request OK
  • 403 = Invalid user token
  • 400 = The report is unavailable
  • 404 = The report is not found
Response data

If the request is invalid, an error object is returned.

A valid request will return a single detailed report object.

This request will return a more detailed snapshot of the selected report.